Last 26 April 2022, the CORE EU-funded project organised its first webinar “Resilience of the society: a global perspective” that was all a success.
Almost 70 persons registered from 28 countries all over the world, representing a wide range of stakeholders (Universities & Research centres, Governmental agencies including ministries, European & International organisations including UNICEF, NGOs & Associations, European institutions including the Joint Research Centre (European Commission), and companies) and various domains (Disaster risk reduction, Climate change, Crisis management, Youth, Inclusion, Volunteering, etc.).
The webinar was organised by Public Safety Communication Europe (PSCE) – CORE D&C Leader – and moderated by Marie-Christine Bonnamour (PSCE Secretary-General).
We just published a Press Release gathering general information about the webinar and CORE project, jointly to a section on each speaker, featuring a picture, a link to the presentation and a key quote (see example here below).
Also a takeaway on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) work with links to key resources.
Opening, by Paolo Capuano (CORE Coordinator, Università degli Studi di Salerno).
“CORE has the ambition to answer one of the EU Key Strategic Orientations: creating a more resilient, inclusive and democratic European society.”
The related Press Release, all the presentations (PDF format) and the full recording are available here.
Stay tuned!
Since last time, we released our website and first newsletter, redacted plenty of news and blog articles, and are now starting our activities, looking forward our first CORE Annual meeting in Vienna.
Visit our website and subscribe to our social media to make sure you don’t miss anything: Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube!