Last June 30, the European Parliament's Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Panel, in collaboration with the Medical Preparedness and Crisis Management Unit (MPCMU) which is part of the Medical Service of the European Parliament, organised a workshop on "Pandemics and other health crises: Lessons learned and future scenarios".
"Lessons from this crisis must be learned, and the necessary changes made at all levels, both in terms of improving collaboration and strengthening health systems. Making the link from recovery and learning from a previous crisis to preparedness for future crises is critical, and is often neglected. Once an emergency has passed, general attention typically returns to dealing with day-to-day system management, and the opportunity to learn from the crisis and improve is missed."
The workshop explored the modalities of response and preparation to health crises in general, and more specifically to the Covid pandemic. It considered actions at different levels: international organisations (global level), EU Member States (national level), and health services (local level). It provided an opportunity to look back at several initiatives taken during the pandemic, and to draw inspiration from them.
The event was moderated by Erika LANDI, Director, Directorate for HR Support & Social Services, DG PERS, European Parliament; please find below part of the programme:
Part I - Health crises management: different perspectives
Introduction: Luca RAGAZZONI, Centre for Research and Training in Disaster Medicine, Novara, Italy
International organisations and future health crises
· Isabel DE LA MATA, DG Santé, European Commission
· Gerald ROCKENSCHAUB, Regional Emergency, WHO Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark
Health crises within EU member states
· Raed ARAFAT, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romania
· Erika VLIEGHE, University Hospital Antwerp, Belgium
Health crises at institutional level and occupational health
· Claudia CHATELUS, Louis Pasteur Hospital Colmar, France
· Petra CLAES, Medical Preparedness and Crisis Management Unit, European Parliament
📚 You will find the Presentations, Participants' booklet, Webstreming, related videos and podcasts here.