17 HfoD

HfoD – University of Applied Sciences for Public Service in Bavaria (Germany)

The Department of Police is located in Fürstenfeldbruck and in Sulzbach Rosenberg and currently trains the majority of police students in Bavaria at the campus in Fürstenfeldbruck. Students here train for their career on professional and executive levels for the Police Enforcement Service (either Police Force / Constabulary or Criminal Investigation Police Department). The University of Applied Sciences – Police Affairs (HfoD) teaches future higher ranked police officers in various disciplines including psychology, political science and social sciences.

The inter-disciplinary research team of the HfoD examines various domains relevant for policing including cybercrime, radicalisation, extremism, terrorism among others. Security research for and via the police strengthens everyday networking in police practice with training and further education, in other words integrating theory and practice. The research team of the HfoD provides scientific knowledge on relevant topics in the field (i.e. security research, crime prevention or crime research) to police or institutions of the security structure and aids in the design of further training courses and seminars and the mediation of contacts. In addition, the research team supports police and security authorities by providing scientific services in solving day-to-day problems.

Furthermore, the HfoD works closely with the Ministry of the Interior and the Police Departments in Bavaria to maintain current standards between theory and practice and to serve the needs of police officers and citizens, alike. Aside from the European research projects (examples under relevant projects), the HfoD supports the police academy in Bulgaria within Erasmus projects, a partnership with the police academy in Bucharest, Romania, a partnership with the police academy in Prague, Czech Republic and a further partnership with the University for Policing in Poland.

In the CORE project, HfoD:

  • is involved in WP2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9.

Project PI: Holger Nitsch

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