ISSNOVA – Institute for Sustainable Society and Innovation (Italy)

The Institute for Sustainable Society and Innovation - ISSNOVA is an independent research institute established in Italy in 2016. ISSNOVA mission is to network excellences from diverse scientific communities from Universities to R&D centres, professionals and industry for inoculating the sustainability goal and human centeredness as part of the research processes, to make scientific advances able to increase the quality of work and life at personal, social and environmental levels. ISSNOVA researchers are engaged in any contexts critical for people and environment safety, focusing on both technology, processes and social related aspects. Our cross-cutting approach merges social and hard sciences, addressing responsible research and innovation, resilient, inclusive and smart communities, knowledge integration, circular economy, safety and security for water, energy, food and transports, land use, climate change mitigation and adaptation, environmental accountability. 

In the CORE project, ISSNOVA:

  • leads the activities relating to safety culture in population, protections and institutional stakeholders;
  • supports the vulnerability analysis;
  • defines human centeredness metrics for awareness and preparedness measures.

Project PI: Gabriella Duca

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