[EVENT]: CORE's upcoming webinar on 'Fighting Misinformation in Risk Communication'

CORE Project is pleased to announce that its next webinar will take place online on Thursday 22nd February, 13h00-15h00 CET. This session will look into the theme of "Fighting Misinformation in Risk Communication", delving in particular into the analysis of the currently available tools to fight the spread of incorrect information in disasters.

The session will be moderated by Nadejda Komendantova, Senior research scholar in the Advancing Systems Analysis Program at IIASA

For the event, we will be welcoming the following speakers: 

  • Dmitry Erokhin Misinformation and natural hazards
  • Rosa Vicari Metanalysis on misinformation and AI tools
  • Abraham Yosipof - Unraveling Social Media Narratives Using AI
  • Irina Dallo How to address misinformation along the communication chain – synthesis of six case studies
  • Camille de Carolis Tools to fight misinformation in social media on earthquakes

To attend the webinar, please fill in the registration page at the following link: 
