[NEWS]: EGU General Assembly: CORE event outputs

[NEWS]: EGU General Assembly: CORE event outputs

The 2024 EU General Assembly took place this year between 14-19 April. The event welcomed 20,979 registered attendees both in-person and online. CORE's presence did not pass unnoticed with the number of workshops, short courses and panels it attended and co-convened. Click on the post to learn about some of the key messages of the event. 

Some of the messages that the project took away from the event included:

  • the role of social sciences in addressing complex global and local challenges (e.g., climate change, disasters, inequality, and geopolitical conflicts).
  • the importance of cross-disciplinary collaboration on natural and human-made hazards 
  • Transdisciplinary research and implementation of the findings is  essential to reach everyone 
  • The use of emerging technologies needs to be included in the process to enhance disaster risk reduction.
  • Citizen engagement can be strengthened through the involvement of younger generations and pursuing grassroots efforts in building resilience within communities
  • Promote collaborative efforts to: enhance communication strategies and bolster societal preparedness in the face of evolving risks and challenges; fortify societal resilience and fostering effective engagement between citizens and authorities.