CORE Webinar #1 - RESILIENCE OF THE SOCIETY: A global perspective

Next April 26, from 10AM to 12PM CET, we organise our first webinar featuring various topics of the resilience of society addressed by high-level speakers:

👐 Opening by CORE EU-funded Project Coordinator Paolo Capuano (Geo&SismoLabUnisa, Università degli Studi di Salerno).

🔗 CORE EU-funded Project: Building resilient society through a transdisciplinary collaboration between environmental and social science, by Raffaella Russo (Geo&SismoLabUnisa, Università degli Studi di Salerno).

🌍 Climate Change as a disaster risk driver: Possible impacts of main threats in Europe & possible adaptations, by Birgit Bednar-Friedl (Universität Graz, IPCC Europe Chapter Leading Author).

🏗 Building Disaster  Resilience : Needs,  issues, and  What does  a new  agenda for the science and policy community on DRR initiatives look like?, by Professor Dilanthi Amaratunga (Global Disaster Resilience Centre of The University of Huddersfield).

💪 Disaster Risk Management: How to reduce people's vulnerability, by Stefano Zanut (Ministero dell'Interno - Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco).

Inclusive Community Engagement for Reducing Vulnerabilities upon Emerging Risks, by Sofia Karma (National Technical University of Athens)

🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ Involving volunteers: Towards a complete societal resilience, by Danka Schmidt (Austrian Red Cross - National Disaster Management & Research)



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