JRC: New algorithm for risks & disasters management

JRC: New algorithm for risks & disasters management

The JRC supports the preparedness and emergency response to flood events at the European and global levels. This is achieved through the provision of early warning, risk and impact assessments, and the monitoring of floods through the European and Global Flood Awareness Systems. Both systems are fully operational as part of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service.

The European Commission’s new & open-source software algorithm developed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) can segment social media messages to identify, verify and help manage disaster events -such as floods, fires or earthquakes- in real-time.

Such tool will use social media analysis to address existing challenges, like the 2021 Haiti Earthquake and its impacts in the immediate and aftermath of the earthquake.

Also, the software will help responders with flood risk management (see the influence on the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) and European Flood Awareness System (EFAS).

Not forgetting that as an open-source tool, it will be available to all researchers and technicians.

Finally, the software is an example on how to connect citizens to disaster risk management.


💡 Also see the 2022 Code of Practice on Disinformation, that aims to achieve the objectives of the Commission’s Guidance presented in May 2021, by setting a broader range of commitments and measures to counter online disinformation.

💡💡 You liked this news item? Check our very recently released Newsletter #2 that includes more of them!

👉 Picture: © European Commission