The CORE Consortium is happy to invite you to join its Webinar #2 on Designing an inclusive resilience: The full consideration of vulnerability before, during and after disasters, to be held next October 3, 2022, from 13h00 to 16h00 CEST.
You can already register here, considering some possible slight modifications in the agenda (here in below) until then.
You can follow our LinkedIn and Twitter channels to stay tuned: the promotion of our speakers and presentation is imminent!
AGENDA (Version 26.09.2022)
- 13H-13H05: Introduction, by Marie-Christine BONNAMOUR (General Secretary of PSCE & CORE D&C Manager)
- 13H05-13H20: What EU policies for vulnerable groups?, by Anna BATTISTUTA (Policy Officer at EC for civil protection policy development (DG ECHO – Directorate B))
- 13H20-13H35: The need to define better vulnerability, by Giampiero GRIFFO (Disabled People's International World Council)
- 13H35-13H50: The Co-Production Approach to Fire Safety for People with Disabilities, by Leyla CRAIG (Fire and Rescue NSW Disability Inclusion and Engagement Officer)
- 13H50-14H00: Vulnerability and resilience in natural disaster: towards inclusive communication, by Consuelo AGNESI (CERPA Italia Onlus (European Center for Research and Promotion of Accessibility))
- 14H00-14H10: DRM Operational perspectives with cognitive disabilities (Autism and Down syndrome), by Arch. Stefano ZANUT (National Fire Services (Italy))
- 14H010-14H25: Applying an intersectional lens to vulnerability reduction, by Alex Tsakiridis (Disaster risk specialist, PreventionWeb Editor)
- 14H25-14H40: Egressibility: a paradigm shift for an inclusive building design, by Assoc. Prof. Enrico RONCHI, (Department of Fire Safety Engineering, Lund University, Sweden)
- 14H40-14H50: Inclusive Community Engagement in Disaster Risk Management: How active participation of vulnerable groups in disaster preparedness and response could strengthen disaster resilience, by Dr. Sofia KARMA (Teaching Laboratory Staff of NTUA (Athens) & Research Associate at European Centre for Forest Fires, Council of Europe)
- 14H50-15H05: Gender equality in DRR , by Prof. Dilanthi AMARATUNGA (Head of Global Disaster Resilience Centre (HuD))
- 15H05-15H20: Rights of People with disabilities: what perspectives at EU level?, by Nadia HADAD (Board Member of European Disability Forum (EFD))
- 15H20-15H35: Vulnerability in CBRNe context, by Sr. Grigore HAVARNEANU (Coordinator of PROACTIVE Project)
- 15H35-16H00: Questions & Answers / Discussion time