📚 Please find 2 studies conducted by Enrico Ronchi:
👉 A qualitative study on perspectives of evacuation with older people with functional limitations: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.firesaf.2021.103509.
👉 A review linking functional limitations and evacuation: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10694-020-01034-5.
👉 A qualitative study on perspectives of evacuation with older people with functional limitations: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.firesaf.2021.103509.
👉 A review linking functional limitations and evacuation: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10694-020-01034-5.
🔎 FOCUS on Assoc. Prof. Enrico Ronchi (Department of Fire Safety Engineering, Lund University, Sweden), who will take the floor on "Egressibility: a paradigm shift for an inclusive building #design".
👉 While accessibility is an established and widely used concept in building design, the #evacuation of people with functional limitations is still at a stage in which several research gaps exist. In this context, this presentation will discuss the concept of Egressibility, intended as the accessibility to means of evacuation.
👉 The key results of a multi-disciplinary project carried out at Lund University in this domain will be presented. This project first investigated the state-of-the-art of the research in the domain of Egressibility, focusing in particular on the role of functional limitations on evacuation performance using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability & Health ((ICF) - World Health Organization):
✅ This was performed linking quantitative studies considering predominant activities in terms of the ICF and six categories of functional limitations with the engineering evacuation time-line.
✅ This study was followed by a qualitative study exploring the perspectives on egressibility of older people with functional limitations.
✅ This was achieved by reflexive thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews with 28 older people with functional limitations. A tool was then implemented to measure #egressibility by considering environmental demands & functional limitations.
✅ This instrument, called the Egress Enabler, allows the investigation of the interaction between environmental demands & functional capacity during egress.
👉 The presentation will be concluded looking into the future of needed #research in the domain of evacuation of people with functional limitations, considering the current research knowledge and gaps.
👉 Enrico Ronchi is recognized for his numerous research contributions in a wide range of areas concerning human behaviour in fire & evacuation.
👉 His work has been published in over 150 publications (including over 65 peer-reviewed journal papers), & he commented in prestigious journals such as Nature (Nature Research Custom Media, Nature Masterclasses).
👉 He is currently Associate Editor for the journals Fire Technology journal by Springer Nature and Safety Science - Journal - Elsevier.
👉 He has also worked to translate his work into practice through his involvement with multiple committees & publications with the ISO - International Organization for Standardization, SFPE, & governmental agencies worldwide.