Flash News

European State of the Climate (ESOTC) 2021 is now released

European State of the Climate (ESOTC) 2021 is now released

Last April 22, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) – implemented by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and funded by the European Union – published its annual European State of the Climate (ESOTC) 2021 Report.

β€œThis report provides a detailed analysis of the past calendar year, with descriptions of climate conditions and events, and explores the associated variations in key climate variables from across all parts of the Earth system. The ESOTC also gives updates on the long-term trends of key climate indicators.”

[PRESS RELEASE] CORE successfully held its 1st webinar on Societal Resilience

[PRESS RELEASE] CORE successfully held its 1st webinar on Societal Resilience

Last 26 April 2022, the CORE EU-funded project organised its first webinar β€œResilience of the society: a global perspective” that was all a success.

Almost 70 persons registered from 28 countries all over the world, representing a wide range of stakeholders (Universities & Research centres, Governmental agencies including ministries, European & International organisations including UNICEF, NGOs & Associations, European institutions including the Joint Research Centre (European Commission), and companies) and various domains (Disaster risk reduction, Climate change, Crisis management, Youth, Inclusion, Volunteering, etc.).

The webinar was organised by Public Safety Communication Europe (PSCE) – CORE D&C Leader – and moderated by Marie-Christine Bonnamour (PSCE Secretary-General).