Flash News

JRC: New algorithm for risks & disasters management

JRC: New algorithm for risks & disasters management

The JRC supports the preparedness and emergency response to flood events at the European and global levels. This is achieved through the provision of early warning, risk and impact assessments, and the monitoring of floods through the European and Global Flood Awareness Systems. Both systems are fully operational as part of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service.

The European Commission’s new & open-source software algorithm developed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) can segment social media messages to identify, verify and help manage disaster events -such as floods, fires or earthquakes- in real-time.

📚 CORE Newsletter #2 released

📚 CORE Newsletter #2 released

💡 Dear Reader, please find our Newsletter #2 (July 2022) to share with you our latest news and to keep you updated on CORE activities, for a resilient society!

You will find a CORE Corner, a EU NEWS Corner, a CORE PARTNERS corner, and a SISTER PROJECTS corner:

[Workshop - EP] Pandemics and other health crises: Lessons learned and future scenarios

[Workshop - EP] Pandemics and other health crises: Lessons learned and future scenarios

Last June 30, the European Parliament's Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Panel, in collaboration with the Medical Preparedness and Crisis Management Unit (MPCMU) which is part of the Medical Service of the European Parliament, organised a workshop on "Pandemics and other health crises: Lessons learned and future scenarios".

"Lessons from this crisis must be learned, and the necessary changes made at all levels, both in terms of improving collaboration and strengthening health systems. Making the link from recovery and learning from a previous crisis to preparedness for future crises is critical, and is often neglected. Once an emergency has passed, general attention typically returns to dealing with day-to-day system management, and the opportunity to learn from the crisis and improve is missed."