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πŸ“’πŸ“° [PUBLICATION & EVENT] CORE EU-funded Project Analysis Framework for disaster scenarios promoted πŸ“°πŸ“’

πŸ“’πŸ“° [PUBLICATION & EVENT] CORE EU-funded Project Analysis Framework for disaster scenarios promoted πŸ“°πŸ“’


πŸ“… This early week, our partner Saher Europe (Andrew Staniforth) contributed to the visibility of CORE EU-funded Project by mentioning it in an article written for Policing Insight & by presenting some project's outcomes at the #CERIS event featured by European Commission - DG HOME:

πŸ“ Review & reform: Improving disaster response & resilience, by Andrew Staniforth (Saher Europe), in Policing Insight πŸ“

"The emergency service response to disasters – whether manmade incidents such as terrorist attacks, or naturally occurring events including weather crises – has been under scrutiny in the UK and globally in recent years; Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth looks at a new European disaster analysis model that will be unveiled this week, which aims to increase learning and share best practice with a view to improving future responses"

You'll find insights about:
πŸ‘‰ Reports into Manchester Arena bombing (22 May 2017)
πŸ‘‰ Lessons yet to be learned in terms of preparedness & the need of more risk awareness
πŸ‘‰ CORE EU-funded Project's transdisciplinary approach
πŸ‘‰ CORE EU-funded Project's Disaster Scenario Analysis Framework Model

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ Article available at https://lnkd.in/e3Uc5NEk.


πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί #CERIS event: Disaster Resilient Societies (DRS) - State-of-play, by the European Commission (Philippe Quevauviller, Nicolas Bessot) πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

On Day 2 - Societal resilience, under the Panel "Societal Resilience – Risk scenarios and management", Andrew Staniforth (Saher Europe) presented "An analysis framework for disaster scenarios", collectively built in the frame of CORE EU-funded Project.

It was the occasion to present the Disaster Scenario Analysis Framework Model to the DRS community including other related EU projects and EU policymakers.



βœ… Thanks to all the CORE EU-funded Project partners who worked on the Disaster Scenario Analysis Framework Model: Saher Europe, MTO SΓ€kerhet AB, NAFR (Ronnen Avny), Γ–sterreichisches Rotes Kreuz, UniversitΓ  degli Studi di Salerno, Croce Rossa Italiana, ETH ZΓΌrich, Hanken School of Economics-HUMLOG Institute, RESALLIENCE, Hochschule fΓΌr den ΓΆffentlichen Dienst in Bayern.

βœ… Thanks to CMINE (The Resilience Advisors Network, Jon Hall, Rob Munro), DG HOME (Philippe Quevauviller, Nicolas Bessot & co.) and our DRS01 sister projects (BuildERS H2020, ENGAGE H2020, LINKS EU Project, H2020 - RESILOC, RiskPacc Project) for ma

king CERIS event both a professional must-have an a human experience in all the editions.

βœ… Welcome to our 2 new DRS01 sister projects: PARATUS project & MEDiate Project.


πŸš€ [EVENT] CORE EU-funded Project's Session at EGU23 πŸš€

πŸš€ [EVENT] CORE EU-funded Project's Session at EGU23 πŸš€

πŸ“° We are happy to inform you that CORE EU-funded Project has been accepted to organise the session "Science communication & citizen science to increase risk perception and awareness" in the next European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2023 in Vienna (and online), next April 23-28.

πŸ”— The session will be co-organised by European Geosciences Union (EGU)'s GM13 - Education & Outreach in Geomorphology (programme group scientific officer: Philippe Steer).
The convener will be Maria Vittoria Gargiulo, PhD (UniversitΓ  degli Studi di Salerno - Geo&SismoLabUnisa), supported by three co-conveners: Irina Dallo (ETH ZΓΌrich), Laure Fallou (Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC)), Maike Vollmer (Fraunhofer INT & RiskPacc Project Coordinator).

πŸ“š About the TOPIC πŸ“š

The effectiveness of risk mitigation depends not only on the scientific community (e.g., hazard assessments) but also on how well-informed & prepared societies (the general public, authorities, media, etc) are about the risk itself. It is thus crucial to train the (local and national) population enabling them to increase their preparedness for disasters & , consequently, improve society’s resilience.
For this purpose, science communication & citizen science are becoming increasingly significant in an era challenged by various uncertainties. Thereby scientists & experts play an important role in establishing certainty in the public opinion field & in improving the communication efforts of the institution in charge of public communication.
It is therefore of fundamental importance, for the scientific & civil community, to disseminate information on risk to create greater individual awareness & sensitivity, & to enable all citizens to make a tangible contribution to society resilience through virtuous behaviour in everyday life, even outside the school/work environment.

πŸ’‘ About the SESSION πŸ’‘

This session is dedicated to scientists, science communicators, & practitioners with a particular focus on Early Career Scientists.
The aim of the session is to create a space for discussion on both best practices & theoretical approaches when practicing science communication or citizen science.
Welcomed are submissions exploring different means for sharing or producing risk information related to natural or/and anthropogenic hazards taking into account different aspects (e.g., stakeholders, cultural context, temporality, uncertainties).
Of special interest are contributions addressing the dynamics of risk communication from preparing over responding to recovering from a crisis.
Moreover, communications on how to evaluate the impacts of such efforts & how to include science communication in a scientist's daily activity are welcome.

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT: https://lnkd.in/eDCUinzt πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ

πŸ“° [National Focus – SWEDEN] Weather, wealth and well-being: Cascading effects of water-related hazards and social vulnerability in Halmstad, Sweden πŸ“°

πŸ“° [National Focus – SWEDEN] Weather, wealth and well-being: Cascading effects of water-related hazards and social vulnerability in Halmstad, Sweden πŸ“°

πŸ“… Last October, SEI β€” Stockholm Environment Institute (Mathilda Englund, Karin AndrΓ©, Karina Barquet, Lisa Segnestam) published a discussion brief on the cascading effects of water-related hazards and social vulnerability in Halmstad (Sweden) - here attached and findable at https://lnkd.in/eCRYqezS.

πŸ’‘ This valuable document provides us 3 key messages:

"1️⃣ Disruptions in critical infrastructure and related vital societal functions are most likely to hit the most vulnerable the hardest; however, their cascading effects can put other social groups at risk that are not initially considered vulnerable.
2️⃣ Local level assessments are needed, as social vulnerability depends on the spatial, temporal and situational context.
3️⃣ Municipalities can use assessments of critical infrastructure and related vital societal functions as a starting point to assess social vulnerability; the impact chain model can support this assessment."

🌍 CORE EU-funded Project works on cascading effects (Task leader: Hanken School of Economics - HUMLOG Institute) and aims to:

1️⃣ Map the causes of detrimental impacts on security of supply through these cascades​.
2️⃣ Establish the directions and the links between events, sectors, and supply chain disruptions​.
3️⃣ Produce a framework that assesses the risks of potential cascades of DRR decisions across sectors events, and supply chains.​
4️⃣ Raise awareness for the impact of supply chain disruptions on security of supply.
βœ… In few months, a Comparative analysis and case briefs of preparedness and security of supply will be released.

πŸš€ Next December 6, Dr. Lijo John (Hanken School of Economics - HUMLOG Institute) will take the floor at the Public Safety Communication Europe (PSCE) Conference 2022 in Brussels to talk about Cascading effects of supply disruptions on critical services (information and registration at https://lnkd.in/e_faF2cU).